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The Sano Ti Amo Story

We started this journey to help people in pain.  A mission that has fueled our passion to create products that do just that!  Our cream and drops were something we initially gave away to people who could benefit from them.  It started out small and a few grew to many. 

Our company name, Sano Ti Amo, means Healing with Love.  We started Sano Ti Amo, for the purpose of helping people heal.

We created an extraordinary, next generation pain relieving cream that helps reduce pain and promote repair unlike anything else we’ve ever seen.  It’s quite amazing!!

Our inspiration was to come up with a formula for a better topical pain relief cream.  One that was very different to those already in the market-place.  One that didn't just numb or mask the problem but one that would actually help relieve the pain so the body could naturally repair.  We did just that... and our cream is called Relief & Repair (R & R) Topical Cream

The formula was specifically designed to help those suffering from chronic or very painful conditions, injuries or deep muscle aches and pains.  After many customer testimonial and our own experience, we have found that the formula  works for so many different painful conditions.

Think about this for a minute....

There are millions of people suffering every day from pain.  Our goal is the help relieve pain for as many of these individuals as possible.  

Today, our mission remains the same and is at the core of everything we do: improve the quality of life for people and animals naturally. It’s about making every day even better and improving peoples’ everyday lives.

Our formulas are designed to safely and effectively target pain at the site of the discomfort. They are NOT just another CBD product.  Naturally derived therapeutic-grade botanicals, emollients, extracts and enhanced with the powerful properties of the Hemp Plant, work in a synergistic way that when combined, enhance one another to bring superior relief and repair.  We want people to Re-Think Pain Relief. 

Why we're different - our products are about helping the body do what it naturally does, REPAIR

We are creating products that are transforming how people view chronic pain management and overall wellness. We hope to be your first line of defense in the search for treating all types of soreness, chronic pain and wellness issues.  

Many customers have told us that they consider our product a wonder cream or a miracle cream. We have testimonials from customers who suffer from many different ailments and each time, R & R has had a positive impact on their pain.

We are proud and humbled by each and every story & each and every person for whom our products offer comfort and relief.

RELIEF & REPAIR - Inspired by Nature - Backed by Science